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每隔一段时间,你都可能读到一本改变你人生观的书,但很少能遇到一本能真正改变你生活方式的作品。早起可以改变你的人生,它的神奇超乎你想象。 - 推荐出处
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The first is “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel, a very good book that gives an overv… - 推荐出处
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Emperor Yongzheng was the pinnacle of "rule by man" in ancient China. His journ… - 推荐出处
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Not all millionaires live flashy lives or come from family money - in fact, the… - 推荐出处
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A fan of her writing for years,” Oprah has read all of Ward’s books and calls h… - 推荐出处
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Few subjects have captured the imaginations of science fiction writers like art… - 推荐出处
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Factfulness is one of the most educational books I’ve ever read.If you never me… - 推荐出处
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This novel about video games felt personal to me. I never thought I’d relate to… - 推荐出处
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Just buy a copy and carry it around; it will make you look urbane and erudite - 推荐出处
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The best book I read last year. Author Phil Night, co-founder and current chair… - 推荐出处