前往京东成为有钱人的真正秘密不在于能做多少事,而在于能做出多少改变。在《早起的奇迹:有钱人早晨8 点前都在干什么?》这本书中,哈尔将与知名企业家、财富建设顾问大卫·奥斯本一起为你解答有钱人如何将“神奇的早起”利用到极致,从而不断创造财富奇迹。 你会发现早晨和财富之间不可否认的联系;通过简单的“起床五步法”和“S.A.V.E.R.S. 人生拯救计划”,原来你也能像百万富翁一样自律。 想要成为有钱人,你必须做出四个选择;跳出思维定势,确定早起“飞行计划”,撬动资源杠杆:懂得何时该放弃,何时该坚持,才能使财富持续倍增。 早起的真正价值就是,在那段安静的时间里,当世界都在沉睡,而你却完全掌控了自己的人生,这就是你发现每一天不可思议的潜力,进入致富快车道的时候。
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If you wake up without any goals or direction, your days are practically guaranteed to get you nowhere.
there is a connection between mornings and wealth. Not only does the world rarely sleep in, but the millionaires of the world almost never do.
When you take control of your mornings, you take control of your days. You get to engage with the world under your terms. You can act, instead of react.
True wealth is about living in alignment with what matters most to you—in alignment with your values, only one of which is about financial freedom.
to become wealthy, you need to learn to get more from the resources you have.