Naval Ravikant
Author Entrepreneur Investor

Naval Ravikant is the CEO and a co-founder of AngelList. He previously co-founded Epinions (which went public as part of Shopping.com) and Vast.com. He is an active Angel investor, and have invested in dozens of companies, including Twitter, Uber, Yammer, Stack Overflow and Wanelo.

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This masquerades as a business book, but it's really just Charlie Munger's (of Berkshire Hathaway) advice on overcoming oneself to live a successful and virtuous life. Part biography and part collect… - 推荐出处
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"尤瓦尔-诺亚-哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)的《人类简史》(Sapiens)是我自《理性的乐观主义者》(@mattwridley)以来读过的最好的一本书。两人都是正统而深刻的思想家。 - 推荐出处